
Friday, May 30, 2008

Newspaper Article by Gill Vowles

Sunday Tasmanian journalist, Gill Vowles, visited me last week and wrote an article for the Sunday Tasmanian. Chris Kidd took the photos. I am pleased with what Gill wrote as she managed to convey well what I wanted to get across. Here is a picture of the article as it appeared in the paper. Gill saw one of my pieces posted on and requested to do the piece as a result. (Thanks Lindsay!) The other image is an oil painting entitled "Tangled Garden"

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New piece completed

This new piece of sculpture was finished literally hours ago. It is a bit disturbing, but that was my intention. I call this piece "Why?"

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Invocation: Leila's Song #1

This is a one-of-a-kind piece I made a few years ago. The quality of the image leaves a bit to be desired, but I still like the piece, so I decided to put it up.

"Revenge of Gaia" - finished!

This piece is a distillation of some of the feelings of anger I have at the way we as a species are treating our planet. I'm also hinting at what I believe are some of the inevitable consequences of our actions/lack of action.
Mixed media, clay, cloth, wood, resin, paint.

Friday, May 2, 2008

New work in progress

This is the new piece I am currently working on - there is still plenty of work to do, but these pictures give a bit of a hint about how the piece will finally look. Working title is "Revenge of Gaia"

Thursday, May 1, 2008

About the "Redivivus Dolls"

These "Redivivus" dolls were made as an entry into the Tasmanian Government Environment Department's BRICOLAGE DESIGN PRIZE where the challenge was thrown out to artists and craft workers to design and make products from waste. These dolls are made from about 90% recycled materials, mostly free for the taking. The heads and lower limbs are made from reconstituted very fine sawdust; the bodies and upper limbs from recycled flour-bag calico, and the filling from wool waste from a blanket factory.

My challenge was to be able to make the dolls in editions, which I achieved through the use of silicone moulds, which would theoretically enable me to make hundreds of dolls that are similar.

I am very happy with the overall look of the dolls. They are designed to be play dolls, and I think they fit the brief pretty well. As well as making the prototypes, I had to make a written submission providing quite a bit of background information, which I worked on all last summer. I was able to do a thoroughly-researched job of it, as I had plenty of time.