
Saturday, November 29, 2008

A redhead!

I ordered some beautiful Tibetan lamb from so I decided to try making another wig for 'Moxie' - gives her a completely different look! Fabric Addictions is a great site if you like making dolls - plenty of the right stuff, like this lambskin, in all sorts of wonderful colours. There is also specialty fabric for dollmakers, patterns and online classes. A dollmakers one-stop shop!

Had a visitor - Allen from Oregon. I showed him what I could of my part of the world, but two and a half days is not really enough time to see Tasmania properly. I think he saw enough, however, to want to come back sometime for a proper look. This old plough on Tamar Island is completely embedded in an oak tree - I fancifully imagine that the farmer rested it against the tree after work one day, and when he next wanted to use it, found that the tree had grown around it!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Moxie Update

I have been busy preparing to go to Adelaide on December 3 to teach. The students will be using my "Moxie" pattern, so I thought I'd better make an example of the doll dressed as a little girl - the original was a fairy. Here she is. The wig is made from a piece of fur fabric....what a bed-head!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Etsy Listings

I have just listed the two dolls pictured here in my Etsy shop (

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Strudelpomme, the apple-elf

This benign little being can sometimes be seen by the astute elf-watcher scavenging in restaurant garbage cans, compost heaps and the like for discarded apple-cores from which the pips are mined. These are carefully saved in his little satchel for later planting where a need is seen.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


My friend, Di Arnold, has just started her own blog with her own one-of-a-kind dolls featured. Di's dolls are wonderfully quirky and she has a great sense of colour and design. She's been hiding her light under a bushel for too long. Here is one of her dolls. For more go to her blog at

Saturday, November 8, 2008

...And Another One!

These little dolls are reproducing fast around here. Here's the latest one, and there are more to this space! These three are all sold.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Meet my Zoziedolls

I have been working on some little dolls that are quick to make, and therefore more affordable to buy. They are still one-of-a-kind. I'm calling them 'Zoziedolls' - I had thought of other cool names to call them, but they were already taken. These little dolls are a little bit Maurice Sendak ("Where The Wild Things Are" - remember that?) and a big bit me. I have a number of other variations that I am still working on. You can find them in my Etsy shop if you are interested at