
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Missing Zappa.........

Every time I have left my studio this week, I have, out of habit, opened the door very carefully, because our dear departed Zappa liked to sleep on the doormat just outside. I can't get used to her not being there any more. At least we have the very amusing Violin Case Kitten to distract us somewhat.......he is so funny and entertaining! I've never known a cat to like water so much. As soon as I fill the sink to wash some dishes, he's up on the windowsill above, keenly interested in every drip and gurgle.

Here are "Lisbeth" and "Lucinda" - sister dolls that I have just completed.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Vale Zappa

We had to have our dear old Zappa put to sleep today. I'm writing this through tears - she was a wonderful old dog and we'll miss her greatly, but it had got to the stage where her life was no longer enjoyable, so we chose the only option we really had. She was seventeen. Vale, Zappa.