
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New piece completed

This new piece of sculpture was finished literally hours ago. It is a bit disturbing, but that was my intention. I call this piece "Why?"


  1. dear sue - after 5 moths, in the middle of the night in Switzerland I find out all the work you have completed. Unbelivable and you won that prise - congratulations!!! I`m speachless....beautiful and strong. One other night when I`m not speachless, I`ll ring you. (maybe we have to fight soon for not getting a road to our peacefull place up here)
    tanti saluti dal Ticino, Ursula

  2. Oh Ursula! Mea culpa.......I've been meaning to get in touch with you. Glad you found my work here - as you can see it's been getting even more political. Still NO PULP MILL here...... and it is looking so remote, but we haven't popped the champagne yet - not quite. Hope you don't get a road to your sanctuary.
    Hugs, Susie
