
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Into The Mystic

For Bob.

We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
Ere the bonnie boat was won, as we sailed into the mystic.
Hark now hear the sailor's cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic.

And when that fog horn blows I will be coming home.
And when that fog horn blows I want to hear it,
I don't have to fear it.
I want to rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old,
Then magnificently we will float into the mystic.
And when that fog horn blows you know I will be coming home.
And when that fog horn whistle blows, I gotta hear it,
I don't have to fear it.
I want to rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old,
And together we will float  into the mystic
Come on girl..........

Van Morrison

"Demeter" - about 60 cms high. Made entirely from recycled/trash materials, except for a bit of paint and glue. The sculpted parts are made from a matrix of sawdust and glue with some shredded paper pulp added to prevent cracking. They were formed over a core of crushed newspaper, which was later removed. The column is made from some scrap timber pieces laminated together, with a patina created from used tea-bag papers embedded in gel medium. the pieces of limb wood were picked up in the garden and they are glued and then lashed onto the sides of the column  with recycled string.


  1. This is a very touching sculpture Susie. I can read so much into it. You should put this into a sculpting competition.

  2. Coś wspaniałego!!!

  3. Very deep and meaningful. You have put part of your soul into this piece. It is amazingly mystical.

  4. Love this piece. Hope you are doing well my friend.

  5. Fabulous piece!!!
    But then all yours are......
    Take great care!
    Hugs Lindax

  6. Great work of art Susie.
    I love your abstract pieces very much. They are my favourites.
    God Bless and take care xx

  7. Okay, that was silly of me, leaving a comment on the wrong post. So that "sculpture" is really spectacular! Your work always makes me really think...okay, so even with my smattering of Greek/Roman knowledge I understand the concept of Demeter; however how often do I think of such? Lol...yes, I am kind of crazy I guess.
    Anyhoo, take care...

  8. Susie, this is a fantastic piece and being created from reclaimed materials makes it even more impressive!

  9. An astounding piece. So beautiful and moving. It brought tears to my eyes.

  10. Stunning. A glimpse into such a private place ... brave and utterly fabulous.
