
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tasmanian at Large in the World

Hi Y'all (that's Texan, you know!) I'm now in Chicago after a wonderful two weeks in San Antonio with Rosie and David Rojas. You should check out Rosie's work - I think it is, or just google her name. Checked out the Quilt Show here yesterday - astonishing quilts on display from all over the world. Almost too much to take in! I'm going to galleries next week before leaving here for my next destination - Columbus, Ohio. pictures yet. That might have to wait until I get back home.


  1. Great to hear from you Susie! Sounds like you are having a great time, jam-packed with very cool activities! Looking forward to pics!

  2. Hi Sooz, sounds like you're having a wonderful trip! I'm flat out. I actually sort of half tackled the pantry yesterday, boy I could have called in the archeologists! There was stuff in there going WAY back, all in the bin now and now I have space :) Woohoo!! Looking forward to seeing your pics when you get back, big hugs Linda xx

  3. Sounds like you are having a lovely trip, stay safe. Hope you come back brimming with inspiration.

  4. Hi Susie
    For some reason, Mum's computer won't let her leave a comment here so she aked me to leave one. Just to say, hello and that she's thinking of you. She said that it sounds like you're having a great trip and is looking forward to seeing your photos when she gets back from her trip :) xx
