
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Devil And Me

I had to share these photos of me with a five month old baby Tasmanian Devil. Dear friends of mine rear babies like these when they are orphaned. Devils have a fearsome reputation, but they are truly wonderful unique marsupials - intelligent, playful and just so endearing. The really sad thing is that they are now critically endangered, because they are being wiped out by a particularly nasty transmissable cancerous facial tumour. The jury is out as to the cause of the outbreak of this disease, but I remain to be convinced that increased habitat destruction, clearfell logging, burning, aerial spraying of plantations and wildlife poisoning with nasty poisons like 1080 has nothing to do with it (yes - in the C21st this kind of thing is still happening)........the correlation between the two things is just too strong for it to be ignored. Just another sad chapter in the total lack of regard we humans have for our fellow species. I don't usually use my blog as a soapbox, but I had to make an exception in this case.


  1. And you are so right to say this!!!!
    What an adorable little fellow :D
    We should all take our responsibility for natures welfare!

  2. Susie I think you used your blog perfectly, we have to stand up for those who have no voice of their own.
    Here in the states we banned DDT many years ago and now companies that manufacture it sell it to South American Countries and others where it is sprayed on foods that we buy back here in the U.S. it's crazy!
    The poor animals are our first warning and no one seems to get the hint.
    That little fella is so sweet and lovely how could you not fight with all you have to give in order to save him? I would!
    He is too cute, I really did not know that much about Tasmanian devils but thanks for posting that photo and it would be great if you could share more of what is happening in your corner of the world. Have a bright and beautiful day!
    Tina xo

  3. Susie,
    What a cutie pie! It's great some of us who have a sense of moral duty. One (their are many)of our issues here in New England is that our bats have developed a white nose disease that is killing them. Our bats eat thousands of mosquitos/per/hr. So no bats, more mosquitos, more west nile snowballs...what's to come? Hope the little guy lives well.

  4. if you don't stand up for something you'll fall for anything!

    these animals need our help and I'm very happy to see that you used your blog as a platform to help them

    Kudos to you!

    Marisa Stein :)

  5. I think our blogs are perfect venues to share our love of this planet and our concerns for it's destruction. How could we not, if we ourselves believe in protecting our birth right. We humans act as if we are the only beings on this planet. Thank you for sharing your part and letting me see the little fellow.

  6. What an adorable cutie. Don't ever apologize for using your blog to state something that needs to be shouted about! Last year, I did a piece dedicated to Rachel Carson who was the Mother of Ecology here in the US. She wrote Silent Spring and caused people here to finally look around and notice how we are a species were killing off other species by polluting the ground,water, and air with chemicals. Because of her courageous act, this world that I live in how is different than the one I grew up with, but there is still so much to do even here as there are now herbicides and pesticides constantly being used. I read that now companies are using Insectile growth hormones! Yikes! Who knows what that will do to everything. A friend of mine told me that DDT was still being used in Central American and cancer rates among field workers has increased dramatically. So we still must fight and your post on these sweet animals on the edge of extinction has and will waken minds closed.

  7. Wow, Suzie, I think very few Americans will have an experience like yours with that little guy. Yes, it's a particular shame, some of the things that we have done, what a wonderful reminder and post this is.

  8. I'm glad you posted this Susie... stand on that soap box!

    I agree with the destruction of the planet we are endangering every last thing...


    Are you going to keep this cutie?

  9. Ah!! great photos, I never imagen I would see a photo of one of this animals with a human, I thank you for sharing,
    I didnt know what they are going through, there is so much we need to do. all over the planet.
    You are a great woman.

  10. Good for you to say what is on your mind. There are problems like this all over the world. It is good to sometimes say your piece. Now I have to go look and read up on the little devils

  11. Look at those little digits!!!! We are all connected. Whatever we do to the critters we do to ourselves....

  12. Thanks for all the affirmation, everyone! The friend who looks after these devils has two at the moment and he is of the firm belief that these will probably be the last two he rears. So sad.

    I am taking part in a radio forum today - live to air - the topic "Why is Tasmania so attractive to artists as a place to settle" (true) I intend to use it, in a gentle way, to remind people about what is unique and wonderful about this place and how he simply HAVE to look after it.

  13. What a cute little guy, and what an interesting but sad posting. It's good to hear that you can bring that up in any way, if THAT is the only place they live... if they are gone, we won't have them anywhere else! :o(

  14. As an animal lover, I applaud your post! Our blogs give us voice where we might not otherwise have it. And he is adorable!


  15. He is awefully cute. I've never seen a tasmanian devil except in cartoons! Thanks for the education.
