
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Escaping The Madness

Bob and I escaped to the East Coast for a few days before the Christmas madness are a few snaps:
Where else but in Tasmania can you find a beach like this in summer with no-one on it?

A lichen-encrusted post-and-rail fence in wetland meadow, St Helens

We ate crayfish - a rare pleasure, since most of Tasmania's crayfish is exported to the gourmet tables of SE Asia, making it unaffordable to most locals. A recent glitch in the export market meant a sudden oversupply locally and the price dropped dramatically. We were able to afford it at a third of the usual price!

Granite rock-shelf detail

Moody sunset over Georges Bay

Dramatic skyscape


  1. Yum, crayfish. I grew up in Queenstown, and a summer weekend treat was a trip to Strahan for a picnic, and dad would buy a big bag of cooked crayfish legs from the fish factory, and we would all tuck in. There would always be plenty of fresh caught crayfish around to eat. Since moving to Devonport in 1995, I rarely get to eat any. Your days away looked very nice indeed.

  2. Looks great place to have a break. I am going to Hobart Sunday so I hope to buy dh a crayfish.

  3. I am so jealous, we are hoping to get to Tasmania in October.

  4. Oh what a dream of a place. I'd LUV to go to the beach for a breather...have fun
