
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Announcement: New Sculpting PDF Available

For some time people have been asking me to publish something on sculpting - at long last, here it is! I have just finished writing up this PDF which is available in my ETSY store as a download. It is as clearly explained as I can make it and copiously illustrated with photographs of the process step-by-step from making the armature to the final sanding. Here are a few sample pictures:

 When I finish making the complete doll using the example head in the PDF, I will post a picture to my Art Gallery, which you can access by clicking on the button under the header.
Still time to enter my OWOH giveaway!


  1. I'm guessing, not for the novice, huh? I am still drawn to process and may need to check this out for myself. Failures are just the next step towards success, right?

  2. Thanks for making that available, Susie.


  3. Tina - I have taught many absolute beginners how to sculpt a doll head - most surprise themselves with what they are able to achieve. Most people take to sculpting fairly naturally and I put it down to the fact that you are dealing with an actual object in 3D, which, IMHO, is much easier that trying to render a 3D image on a flat surface, as in painting or drawing. Lots of people have Fear Of Sculpting syndrome, but once they conquer that by actually having a go, it's amazing how quickly progress can be!

  4. I think Susie's instructions and teaching methods, are good for begginers to advanced students. You could watch her over and over again. Depending where you are in your skill level your art work will be different but everything she does is good for every level. I think this is a must have- cyndy

  5. This is interesting. I will be waiting for the reveal. Thanks for sharing this Susie

  6. Susie, I am a novice! I will be taking your class in April in Florida. Would it help to get your New Sculpting PDF before class. Or wait for instructions in class and maybe use the PDF after as a follow up?
