
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Work In Progress

I have sufficiently cleared the decks to be able to think about some new sculptural pieces. I often begin with some detailed sketches before I begin this type of work - it helps to work out any problems of construction and to solidify ideas that might be a bit vague. They often end up being a bit different to the original idea because they might develop more as I progress, or sometimes I change my mind about how to proceed. Nevertheless, I find the initial thinking and sketching invaluable in sorting out scattered thoughts and ideas.
Here are a few pages from my sketchbook:

By the way, if you are passing through Deloraine before the end of the month, I have a small solo exhibition there in the Bendigo Community Bank - both 2D and 3D works.


  1. Love seeing your thinking process. Good luck on the solo show. Hope it is a big success. Looking forward to seeing what you create next.

  2. Wow! I wish a wonderful one-woman showing! Love seeing your process.


  3. I like the pensive look on the right page face...

  4. Yours are far more detailed than mine-little works of art in themselves.

  5. I sometimes use the same process for the same reasons and also find that my pieces have a way of inputting elements that were not in my sketches. Congrats on the solo exhibition.

  6. The sketches are works of art themselves - thanks for sharing the way you process a cretive art work.
