
Friday, June 24, 2011

Wonderful Saturday!

What is it about Saturdays? Even though I no longer work a nine-to-five, I still get that Saturday feeling of the weekend stretching ahead and Monday far away. Maybe it's because I try to reserve Saturday for doing things that I want to do, rather than things that I must get done. Today, that involves working on one of my small mixed-media sculptures - here it is as a work-in-progress and you might recognize it from the working sketch I blogged about a few posts back. I'm hopeful of getting this pretty much finished today............although I do have to clean up the studio for the monthly class here tomorrow.


  1. It's not Saturday yet!:)
    This piece looks amazing. I can't wait to see it completed!
    I wanna come to class!!! can I stay with you? LOL!!

  2. It is a stunning piece of work; but she looks trapped!


  3. Looking forward to seeing this finished, looks amazing! X

  4. Makes me want to rescue the one in the box. :~]

    Happy Saturday!

  5. I love all your work, I want to come to class too. I spend most Saturdays at work. I really need to win Lotto.

  6. Oh whoa Susie your dolls are truly amazing, YOU are amazing!!Wish I could come to your class too!!

  7. Well.......Why don't you all just hop on a 'plane and fly for around 20 hours and you'll be here! Piece of cake!

    I don't think "trapped" about this piece - more "safely enclosed"!
