
Monday, December 26, 2011


Well...........It's done and dusted for another year - we had a family gathering for Christmas here in my studio, which cleans up reasonably well to be used as a dining hall for a crowd. Here they all are - sans moi - I took the picture. It's taken me a full day to recover, but as I write this I'm starting to feel human again!

And now I can post a picture of this very pink trio, which was made as a special Christmas order, so I had to keep it under wraps! Pink is not really a colour I use much at all, but I had lots of fun making these.

OK.........nose back to the grindstone today - I had lots of orders that came in just before Christmas, so I need to get them ready to post.
Hope you all had a safe and wonderful Christmas with family and friends!
I'm looking forward to sharing more of my world with you in 2012.


  1. Love the centrepiece Susie, reminds me of a retro Christmas card motif. I'm inspired and planning for next year now....

  2. Lovely family Susie, reminds me of Christmas dinner at my Grandparents house. Two ping pong tables worth of people and food!
    And pink looks good! They're wonderful. Maybe you should do some more pastels? :)
    don't laugh...I see you laughing. :)

  3. Oh Susie the little dolls are precious! Glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas and here's to a very productive New Year!
    Tina xo

  4. The pink is lovely - you should use it more often, especially with the purple!
