
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Summer Produce

We are really reaping the benefit of all the effort put into improving our vegetable garden - produce coming out of our ears! It is a great feeling to be able to almost by-pass the fresh produce section of the supermarket and to be able to go out into the garden and pick fresh what will be needed for the evening meal.
Beautiful, pungent, glossy-fresh blackcurrants, destined to become blackcurrant jelly:

And aromatic, tangy, zesty tomatoes, so unlike the tasteless object known as a "tomato" that is available in stores. Store tomatoes only LOOK like tomatoes - in no way is the flavour the same as these home-grown beauties! These will be made into tomato relish. I have so many this summer that I should be able to bottle some and make sauce as well.


  1. A very good and Happy New Year to you and yours! Oh yummy! your making my mouth water at such yummy looking home grown produce, nothing like it that's for sure!
    Take care and have a good day.
    Hugs Lyn x
    PS..Loved those pinky dolls you did for Kim, lucky her:o))

  2. Beeeyootiful! Isn't Mother Nature generous?

  3. Lucky you with all of the fresh produce. You're right about the tomatoes. Enjoy the bounty of your garden.

  4. Love taking a fresh tomato off the vine and picking some basil and making a sandwich with them on home made bread....yum:)
