
Friday, March 23, 2012


When I woke this morning there was all this white sparkly stuff on the grass - yes: Summer is officially over with the first cracking frost of the year. This spells the end of any more tomato-ripening (whew!) and the start of toasty warm fires in the house and in the studio, shorter days and stick-to-your-ribs comfort food. We had a long, warm and sunny summer this year (doesn't always happen in Tassie) but now we have to bid it a fond farewell and welcome the cooler months. See you in December, Summer!

And here's a little something I've worked on this week - an outsized papier mache head-on-a-stick for a special event - can't say too much - it's supposed to be a secret........shhhhhh!


  1. I'm not ready for winter yet bbbbrrrrr!
    Fabulous head too, wondering what it's for??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Summer here...all the flowers are blooming & thunderstorms.

    Love the face. That is fabulous. are you doing a body to go with it??

  4. Love the head on a stick:) We are having unseasonably warm weather here which is wonderful.

  5. Spring is bursting forth in leaps and bounds here which I am loving. But, I also like fall and winter too...a crackling fire and time to create. I like the looks of your paper mache head...inspiring!

  6. SNow in the mountains on Friday too! Love the head on a stick!

  7. Curious about the large head...not a politician I'm familiar with. Who is he?
