
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Miniature cobbling and so forth........

This new rather quiet child is nevertheless a little demanding - she DEMANDED I make her these hand-knitted socks. I haven't made any of these in quite a while, so I was happy to oblige. She also wanted some brown ankle-strap shoes with black buttons, so she got those as well. Of course, she has no underwear yet, but she doesn't seem too concerned about that. Little hussy!

She's now waiting patiently for her brother to be finished.......she might be waiting a little while as I have quite a bit on my plate for the next week or two.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two Heads Are Better?

I'm working on these two little dolls at the same time - a boy and a girl. I am very happy with how the moulded boy hair turned out - it's the first time I've done it like this. And if they look a bit familiar I used my "pensive child" mould to make their faces, so they are sister and brother to the little girl I blogged about a few posts ago. It's been a bit damp and cool the past few days, so I've had the woodheater in the studio going - just above it is a great place to dry out works in progress!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Birth Of A Ragamuffin

Head/body stuffed, face mask made, limbs traced and sewn ready to cut out.

                                                     All together - face pinned in place.

Oh No! Where's everyone gone?

                                                     All done.........what a ragamuffin!

And a close-up.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tiny Shoes...........

.............for tiny feet! I made these yesterday for my new little girl. You'll be pleased to know that she also has underwear.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Making Dolls: Different Approaches

Dollmaking encompasses a wide variety of styles and approaches and I like to dabble in quite a few of are some recent ones that are poles apart in concept.
The first one is more or less in the tradition of a Waldorf play doll - I say more or less, because this doll with fingers, toes, knees and nose has a fair bit more detail than the really traditional Waldorf dolls.......but I couldn't resist! It is definitely play-proof, though. She is just waiting for some clothes knitted and sewn from natural fabrics and yarns.
The second pensive little miss is far more detailed and while she could be played with, she is not as robust as the other. She is quite small (see reference to hand in one picture) so painting the face and hair presented a bit of a challenge. She's still waiting for her unders (of course!) and I'm going to make her some leather shoes. Both of these dolls will be for sale in my Etsy store next week.