
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two Heads Are Better?

I'm working on these two little dolls at the same time - a boy and a girl. I am very happy with how the moulded boy hair turned out - it's the first time I've done it like this. And if they look a bit familiar I used my "pensive child" mould to make their faces, so they are sister and brother to the little girl I blogged about a few posts ago. It's been a bit damp and cool the past few days, so I've had the woodheater in the studio going - just above it is a great place to dry out works in progress!


  1. Susie, these are beautiful. The moulded hair on the little boy is perfect. I love the "pensive child" face mould you're using. I'm looking forward to seeing these two little ones when they're finished.

  2. They both look amazing Susie.
    I really like the look of the hair.
    I am assuming that it is paperclay?

  3. Thanks Guys.......The hair on these is made from glue-impregnated cotton thread, Ron. Dries really hard and takes paint well.

  4. They are so precious Susie! I love the painted thread hair, what a great idea!

  5. Susie, both dolls are beautiful and I absolutely love the little girl. Just love, love, love it.

  6. Thanks Cynthia and Heera! Nearly finished these two now and can hopefully post some pictures soon.
