
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Every Boy Needs A Horse.........

........even if it is only a stick horse!
Here's my little boy completed with scarf, socks and shoes - he looked like he needed a little something else, so he got this hobby-horse. Now, no doubt his sister will be tapping me on the shoulder asking for a toy as well!

Remember this little baby I made a couple of months ago? The one looking a bit frightened by a jack-in-the-box? Well, I entered her in the Doll Net 2012 cloth doll baby challenge - and she won first place in the "advanced" category! *does little happy dance around studio table*.
Thanks to every one who gave her a vote.
Click on the link to have a look at all the doll-babies.


  1. Oh, yes, the stick horse is perfect for the everything about him and his sister. Now, what will her toy be...?

  2. Thanks, Mary, Kate and Dorothy! He was so much fun to make.

  3. Oooh, that hobby horse looks perfect with your little boy. He's such a sweet looking doll.

  4. This little guy and his hobby horse are charming. Can't wait to see what you're going to come up with for his sister.
    Congrats on the first place win in the baby doll challenge. She's adorable and very much a winner.

  5. Congratulations on the win! You deserve it and she is a gorgeous doll with that apprehensive expression.

    I really like the hobby horse. What a lovely accessory for a doll.
