
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One of the online groups I belong to is hosting a "Not My Colour" Challenge - The challenge being to create a doll in a colour that is not what you see when you look in the mirror. So using my recent pattern and face-mask, I'm making this little brown child. I suppose I could have gone with purple or green, but I think she's a cutie!


  1. Hi Susie,

    If you every decided to sell her, please let me know. I would love to buy her.
    Valerie (who both the heads from you:-)

  2. She's stunning Susie! I think she needs some siblings!

  3. Thanks Valerie and Robin - I'm having lots of fun with this one. (She'll definitely get some siblings, Robin) I probably will sell her, Valerie - will let you know before I list her.
    On my FB page, one of my friends said she looked like a little sad acorn - I love that image......thanks to Jan!

  4. Gorgeous paint work - a portrait on fabric. I love her dear little pout :-)

  5. Susie, she is adorable. You've done a wonderful job painting her sweet face.
