
Thursday, October 10, 2013

"Bindi" completed...........and a giveaway!

Over on Facebook last week I announced that my blog was approaching 700 (689 to be precise) followers and that when I passed 700, I would host a giveaway. The magic 700 occurred within a day, (now up to 723 - thanks all you new followers!) so here I am announcing a giveaway! I'm making a Christmas-themed Sukeshi doll something like this for the winner:

or this:

All you have to do is leave a message with your name either here or on Facebook and I'll put you in the hat. If you prefer your privacy and don't wish to leave a message in either place, you can still enter, but you'll have to email me privately. (You can find my contact details under the header of this blog). I'll draw the winner a week from today on 18th October 2013.

Yesterday I completed this little doll - "Bindi" - here is her final photo shoot. She should be available in my Etsy store this weekend.

Happy Springtime from Bindi! (In the Southern World, anyway!)


  1. Congratulatins on the 700 and then some Susie! :-) Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway! I'm crossing my fingers for the little doll with the dark green, holly and Poinsettias! ~ Deb

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. congratulations on 700+ followers. You and your wonderful dolls are such an inspiration.

  4. Congrats Sue! Your little Bindi is beautiful...such a precious doll. I love your little giveaway dolls. I would love to have a chance to win one.

    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Nancy Walker

  5. Congrats on the huge group following you. I love your dolls and hope to get one someday soon.

    Thank you for such an awesome giveaway I hope I manage to win a Sukeshi doll.


  6. Congratulations on your 700+ followers. Your blog has been one of the bright spots in my life for the past few years. I would love to win your giveaway doll.

    Here's to the next 700 followers,
    Kathy Duncan

  7. Congratulations! You are wonderfully kind to share your talent, your art! Awesome! Soon you will be celebrating 1500+ ! I would count myself among the blessed to win a a piece of your art! The dolls are spectacular!

  8. oh my, i would so love to win this little doll. I love waking each morning to my dolly collection and seeing all their smiling faces. She would fit right in. Congrats on the big 700


  9. Congratulations on your achievement re members for your blog and Facebook. I would love to be considered for your giveaway. I have seen you working with students at Bear Essence and next year hope to do one of your classes there . Your talents are amazing

  10. Susie, I am sure your followers will grow by leaps and bounds and with good reason. Have always admired your work and wanted to say congratulations. Whoever wins your giveaway will be lucky indeed. Your new little Bindi is absolutely gorgeous as well. Love the colour combination and the detail. <3

  11. Love, Love, Love your dolls and your site. I am always amazed at how you always catch that moment in there eyes. Definitely you are one of my favorite artists!! Dollie Hugs!!

    Stephanie H from

  12. Congratulations Susie on your over 700 followers achievement, how awesome! I would love to win your extremely sweet little Sukeshi doll, could you please add my name to the list.

  13. Yes, please! Oh, and I love Bindi's little knees' really very cute. That basket is very sweet, too and perfectly scaled for the daisies.

  14. Over 700 followers! Congrats!
    Bindi is beautiful!

  15. Gorgeous! But I love everything you do!

  16. Hi Susie! See me waving??? All the way from Texas??? Miss you! xoxo`kimber

  17. Congrats on the 700+ followers...Your art is inspiring to us all...

  18. I love how Bindi turned out ... she's gorgeous and her new little elephant is the perfect accessory for her to carry. One of these days I must order one of your 18" doll kits to make. :-)

  19. Congratulations on your 700th :) I am so thankful that you still post here and would love to win one of your wonderful dolls :) The reason why I prefer your blog is that I have a few FB family members and friends who post to FB multiple times in a day, so I really see very little of what is going on except for them. Coming to check up on your blog is a deliberate choice that I make, and I love to see what you are up to! Thanks again for your giveaway :)

  20. Congratulation on your 700, your work is so beautiful it wont be long till you hit 1000!
    Niky Sayers

  21. Great going on 700 followers! Would love to have any art by you! :D
    hugs Karen

  22. Congratulations on 700 followers Susie. Bindi is wonderful and the litlle christmas doll is adorable. Jain

  23. Wow, you even made the basket! You're so clever Susie!
    Congrats on such a huge following, it reflects how much everyone admires your work, me included!

  24. oh I would love to be in your giveaway Susie--who wouldnt :) such beautiful dolls xxxxxxxx

  25. I just love that little elephant! I'm sure Bindi will love him too (or her?). How little is that little elephant?
    Cathran xxx

  26. Yours faithfully your colleague and the admirer Vera Morozov from Moscow

  27. Congratulations Suzie, I would love to win a Christmas themed doll.

  28. Wow ! Congratulations !!!
    (though I don't think it's a miracle you have so many followers ;-) !)
    Binda looks like a very sweet girl, and that little basket is so cute (wow : handmade too)
    Your blue snowstar Christmas doll is "the best" !
    All the best from an autumnal Holland

  29. Onnea Susie paljon on ihmisiä . Voi minä rakastan sinun nukkeja ja nyt istun sormet ristissä että voittaisin ♥

  30. 700+ - wow, well done, Susie. Your work is always wonderful and the sukeshi are delightful. Best of luck to all - whoever wins will be a very lucky person.

  31. No wonder you have so many followers, your work is inspiring! Have been following Bindi's progress on FB. Please my I enter the draw? Megan

  32. Great job!! 700 is wonderful. I lookk forward to your work and your 'life' posts. Have a great day :)

  33. Bindi is soooo cut Susie! Love her! Congrats on the 700 mark and thanks for the chance to win adoll. Best, Ani in NC

  34. You deserve the milestone Susie! You're such a fab artist!

  35. Thanks, dear sweet peeps, for all those lovely comments.......your names have all been written on little bits of paper to go into the hat for the draw next Friday! :)

  36. Beautiful work as always my friend. Of course I would love to win one of your amazing dolls. Congrats on the milestone in blogdom. I can only hope to reach that number.

  37. WOW! 700!! LOVE the floral doll! Thank you for the chance to win...congrats on your numbers...hugs..Gayle Montayo

  38. Oh, oh! Lovely dolls! - I would love to be entered for your drawing. Thank you so much!

  39. Dear Susie
    your work is inspiring and you are so generous in sharing your knowledge,

  40. I would love to have anything made by you even a bookmark or some little thing.

  41. congrats on the 700. Love your dolls
    mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com

  42. Dear Susie
    Its great news! Congratulations! 700 is very much (for information Ive got only 16 :-))! Its dream for me to get some of your works! Sorry for my bad English? and I would like to take part in this competition for your doll!

  43. cySue congrats love youre Bendi doll so cutzie all your dolls are.Thanks for sharing your doll talents.
