
Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Little Cloth Doll

Eleven inches (28 cms) jointed cloth. She has five joints: hips, shoulders and neck. Looking a bit grumpy in her birthday suit with only a woolly hat as she waits to be properly dressed!


  1. I am sure she won't have a long wait. She's a lucky little girl to have real,honest-to-goodness joints. I love her!

  2. Thanks Mary.......she really does have hefty thighs and buttocks, but she is quite a "comfortable" shape! Planning to make her some clothes while I'm away at music camp next week. Something to do in the idle moments.....not that there are many - it's usually a very busy, full camp.

  3. She is so beautifully sweet! Thinking of you at this time of year. Always remembering our loved ones are near and dear in our hearts.

    Blessings to you,
    with love,
    Teresa in California

  4. Thank you so much Teresa.......I know people are thinking of me - I can feel it! And yes, at certain times of the year I do miss my dear heart so much.

  5. She's gorgeous, looking forward to seeing her finished although she is still quite cute in her birthday suit and hat!

  6. One of the things I love best about your dolls is their lovely proportion. Regardless of the size of the doll, you always manage to get the exact proportion to say Toddler, Child, Young Lady, or whichever. This tiny doll is so beautiful (even if she's a bit grumpy). :~)

  7. Thanks Jan......I must admit, I do love a chunky little toddler body most, I think. Maybe that's why the Kaethe Kruse dolls appeal to me so much!
