
Thursday, July 30, 2015


I've had this piece in the back of my mind for quite some time.....years, in fact, but I never quite found the time to realize it.

This is the initial watercolour sketch.....three frogs on a log with the colour successively fading from them.
I decided a couple of months ago that I wanted to make this piece (finally!) for my exhibition in August, so I knuckled down and got it done in the past week. First I had to make three fabric frogs:

Since these are quite small, this is tricky and intricate fabric piecing, and they all needed to be in slightly different poses.

The frogs were then arranged side-by-side on a piece of wood that I have had set aside for this project for ages..........I painted the fade into the wood as well.

Of course, it is fairly obvious that this piece has a strong environmental message: frogs and amphibians generally, are "canary-in-the-mine" species.....their sudden decline and disappearance from many habitats indicate that all is not well with the ecology of these habitats. Presence of frogs is a strong indication of environmental health.


  1. Ingenious way to get a message across! Beautiful piece.

  2. Thanks Sherri - it was great to finally get this piece made (and the monkey off my back!)

  3. Oh my these frogs are great !!!

    Lots of succes with the upcoming exhibition !
    (ha, won't be a problem I think ;-) !)

  4. Thanks Els.......the frogs were great fun to make - and - Oh dear! I'm getting some more froggy ideas!

  5. Oh my goodness. Your pattern making skills are remarkable.
    Sharon B.

  6. Thanks, Sharon - I can pretty much make any shape I can imagine with fabric, needle and thread. :-)

  7. I never thought that frogs can look so nice!
