Thursday, April 14, 2016

New house……new life!

FINALLY………..getting a little bit of studio time after my move - and a moment to update my long-neglected blog!
The new house was an awful mess when I moved in - there was still a lot of the previous owners junk here and the place was very filthy - as if it hadn't been cleaned for about ten years. Well, I love a good challenge and a few days of scrubbing with the help of friends and the place was in a state where I could bear to stay here. And the unbearable smell has diminished to undetectability with cleanliness, air, sunshine and painting. (I don't think the curtains or windows had been opened in years) Just to give you an idea, here are some of the clean-up pics:

As you can see, there were some very interesting and downright dangerous diy electrical and plumbing solutions in place!

Here are a few pictures of the house as it is now - still plenty to do, but cleaned up, comfortable and liveable - I'm just chipping away at what needs doing as I have the time and energy. I've given myself a year and a half to get it how I really want it - inside and out.

Here's my "inside studio" (spare bedroom)

…..and the separate backyard bungalow that will become my "outside studio"

In between all the house and garden refurbishing, I have made time to get back into the studio and producing work again after the enforced hiatus:

I'm looking forward now, to being able to take it a little easier than I have for the last few frenetic months and settle back into my normal routines.


Doug said...

Well done, Susie! Looking good ...

Susie McMahon said...

Getting there, Doug! It's a Project. :-)

maddyrose said...

That's what I call a major cleanup and repair job. You've done wonders towards making your new home a pleasant place to live and work. Love the dolls, they're beautiful.

sirkkis said...

Ihanaa kun olet tehnyt oman kodin itsellesi. Hyvältä näyttää ja varmasti kun valmista saat on todella upeeta. Hauskaa kun olet palannut blogiisi.

Susie McMahon said...

I think the bad presentation was a turn-off for lots of potential buyers……but I could see - and had it confirmed by an inspection - that most of what was wrong was pretty superficial. And it means I was able to buy the house for quite a bit less than its real worth!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks like you've already made a ton of progress on the house and it looks wonderful! Our first home was a fixer upper and while we didn't stay for more than a couple of years it was a lot of fun working on the house, getting it cleaned up and the way that we wanted it. Can't wait to see more updates!

Margaret @ Boston North Shore Real Estate

Veronica Perry said...

A new house is always a lot of work when you first move in, but it's definitely worth it once you get everything the way you want it. My husband and I are finally at that stage, but ours doesn't look nearly as nice as you've managed to make your new home. The cats look incredibly comfortable!

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