
Friday, April 22, 2016

A Short Break

I have been extremely busy these past few months……selling and buying houses; packing and unpacking and CLEANING! So when the opportunity arose last week to go away with a friend for a few days, I jumped at the chance. The big bonus was that we were going to Mt William National Park in the far North-East corner of the state - a place I'd never visited before. It's an area of coastal  vegetation and heathland with Mt William, a smallish hill with mountainous delusions at its centre and miles of beautiful, empty beaches, rocky outcrops and abundant wildlife.

Although you have to carry in drinking water, the camping is pleasant, close to the beach under she-oaks. It is car camping, so you can bring lots of comforts!

We had lovely warm weather, but I imagine it can sometimes be very windy here (There must be a good reason that one of Tasmania's two wind farms is located not too far away!)

We were able to have a campfire, which is no longer allowed in many national parks.

(Photo: Margaret Hoban)

Beach, sky, birds, animals and the endless crash of the surf onto the beach.

We made an ascent of Mt William - a smallish bump of a few hundred metres, but I was pleasantly surprised by the "miniature mountain" feel of it, complete with its rocky summit and views all around. Unfortunately, it was hazy from forestry burn-offs, so the Furneaux Islands weren't visible as they would be on a clear day and the distance views were limited. Areal eye-opener was all the different species of fungi that were abundant - I counted around thirty different kinds!

The walk was pleasant and easy on a good track and the reward is this view:

All in all, it was a perfect, rejuvenating break and it has given me a taste to go and spend more time in a place with such subtle charm and plenty to see and do.

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