
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Homely Things

It took a few weeks before this new house felt like it belonged to me and I belonged to it, but with every little thing achieved, it starts to feel more and more like home…….and home means homely things like bread baked and crocheting by the fire in the evening. Flowers in a vase and herbs flourishing on the patio. And it's raining at last! How comforting is the sound it makes on the roof after so many months of no rain at all. Yes, this is home.


  1. So glad you feel settled at last.

  2. Thanks Penny! I don't think I want to move ever again……….at least not for a long time!

  3. Some day I am coming to Tasmania to hang with you and your kitties Susie! It is on my short *bucket list* of things to do before I get too old! I love your new home, glad all is settling down. Best, Ani in NC, USA

  4. Yes, please come Ani! I'd love to show you my little corner of the world!
