Late on Thursday last, I dropped my purse as I was crossing a busy street without realizing I had done so. When I discovered the loss, you can imagine I was fairly upset - not at losing my hard-earned -there wasn't that much cash in it, but the thought of having to deal with getting cards, driver's license, medicare card etc. cancelled and replaced is enought to drive a person to drink! I had a sleepless night that night. Then, on Friday morning I had a call from the police - the purse had been handed in that morning with everything untouched. This act of commendable honesty follows another a few weeks ago when my grand-daughter's expensive mobile phone was handed in by another honest person. I gives me great faith in humanity to be on the receiving end of such kindness! Thank you, thank you honest people!Later on Friday morning the mail delivered this book......."Handmade in Tasmania" by Steven French. This is a great little book featuring a diverse range of Tasmanian craftspeople from instrument makers, a cheesemaker, distiller etc and including YOURS TRULY! So, toot, toot I'm blowing my own trumpet a little! What was shaping up to be a very bad week ended up being the best!
Susie - congrats! Your work is amazing and you deserve the feature. :-)
Looks like a great book. Congrats on being included
Congratulations Susie.
Well deserved.
judy j
Thank goodness your purse was returned untouched. It's such a shame that it's so rare. :( CONGRATULATIONS on the book! That's fantastic!
What a heartwarming story!
And congratulations on the article. It looks like it is wonderfully done.
Love hearing about honest people in the world. I witnessed another incident of that nature while on my UK and Ireland visit. A man who was on my tour, left his passport, wallet and other important items on a picket rail in London. When he discovered it missing, he ran back faster than lightening and found the satchel completely intact!
Congratulations on your being published in this most interesting looking book. Your work is quite amazing so it does not surrise me at all!
Congrats on the book, how awesome is that? Also, a testament to honesty and your good karma. I am happy for you in all counts.
Three fabulous things in one week. How wonderful for you Susie. I hope you bring that book in October so we can see your wonderful work & those of feel country men
How wonderful Susie, all on accounts, as we say here in the south of the USA: "She must be living right"! Which translated means you got good karma girl! :0) I'd love to get a copy of the book Susie, will it be made available outside of Australia? Best, Ani
How wonderful!! Is your sis in there too!!?? :)
I truly believe in "what goes around comes around". Thanks for the refreshing story.
And a big congrats on the book, you so much deserve it!!!!!
Congratulations . The book look wonderful.
Susie...what a wonderful story about the return of lost items. How rewarding is that? It makes us remember there are still wonderful people out there! Kudos to them! And "BIG KUDOS" to you for the book story! I hope the book becomes available to us Yanks!
Biggest Hugs Dear Friend!
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