Saturday, January 29, 2011

One World One Heart

This year I am participating in the One World One Heart (OWOH) blog event. This is an International link-up of bloggers and it looked like a lot of fun last year, so I thought I'd participate this year, sadly, the last time it will be held.

So, to new visitors to my blog - WELCOME! I am an artist living in Tasmania at the bottom of the world - a kind of afterthought to Australia - it's smallest, but most beautiful state.

One aspect of OWOH is a giveaway "door prize". Pictured above is what I am offering to one person who leaves a comment on my blog on this post from today until the 17th Feb, when I will draw a winner using the very scientific random selection method of a number drawn out of a hat! This is one of my hand-made Zozie dolls - "Tweet"

Good luck everyone and have lots of fun on your OWOH blog crawl - I'll certainly be visiting lots in the hope that I might be lucky enough to win one of the door prizes being offered by generous bloggers all around the world!

Click on the OWOH logo in the sidebar to go to the OWOH site and connect with other participants. Big thanks to Lisa for organizing such a great event - it must entail a massive amount of work!


1 – 200 of 278   Newer›   Newest»
Michele Lynch Art said...

Oh she is so sweet! Your dolls are wonderful :o) What a fantastic giveaway! I'm so excited to visit all the blogs this year! Michele

Cody Goodin said...

Love your Zozie's and what a fab one to give away.

KittyAnn said...

I LOVE Tweet's feet Susie!! You are so generous in having another drawing. The OWOH tour is always cool, glad to hear you're participating this year, have fun! Best, Ani

Melissa McCarthy said...

Oh, she is too cute!!

Please count me in! :)


Anonymous said...

It shall be exciting and fun to you and the others bloggers there take part in the game. Yours dolls is very good looking .


JDConwell said...

This little one is darling...I so admire how you can make dolls in so many styles, yet they are each clearly Susie McMahon dolls. Such talent.


ziggy stardust said...

oh I've had my eye on this one sincec your last giveaway! thanks for a chance to win!

Mamamotherlode said...

The faces on your dolls are alive and engaging. I would love to win one.

Bettina Groh said...

Love your little "doll".. what a great face! Please count me in too!

PetraB said...

Your dolls are amazing, they look so real! Happy travelling, if you time stop by my blog.

Birgit said...

Hi Susie,

Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Your dolls are definitely one of a kind -- thanks for the chance to give one of them a new home.

Greetings from Germany,

Saskia said...

Wow! You're so creative! Lovely, lovely work... so unique!!

Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with this beautiful give-away... I can only dream it's me!!

I'm enjoying this OWOH trip around the world, thanks!!

Greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)

Yovanka Black said...

What a FABULOUS doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love the chance to win her :)

I am a OWOH participant as well (and ADO member) so feel free to stop by my blog ;)


AlwaysInspired said...

I just adore this little doll!
Come visit my blog to see my OWOH giveaway! I'm #50

Sparklyjools said...

Susie, I am a huge fan of your work and would be estatic if I won! Thanks so much for the opportunity to take part -and enjoy your flight!
Please drop by and visit me too
Jules x

Jingle said...

Your dolls are so amazing! Your skill in sculpting the faces is just fabulous!!! This giveaway doll - wow! I would LOVE to win that! Thank you so much for the chance! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Micki Wilde said...

Your dolls are fabulous, please include me into your giveaway :)

I am also a owoh giveaway participant :)

Micki x

Anonymous said...

Your doll faces are so expressive...your work is outstanding.
Please enter me in your drawing. I'd be thrilled to win.
Hugs from Colorado,

Jane said...

what amazing dolls you create, I only just found out about OWOH today..what a great idea.
Hi from Surrey,UK

Hermine said...


Marina said...

Susie, you know I so love your dolls!
Still hoping in Celeste to show up... meanwhile I'll try my luck on your giveaway!

Karen said...

OH MY STINKIN" GOODNESS>>>I AM IN LOVE!!In love with your blog...wonderful giveaway!
I would love for you to come to mine and follow new followers but most of all I love new friends!


Martha from ilove2paint said...

Susie, I hope I am the lucky one!!!! :oD Greetings from California US. Please add my name to your list, I will keep my fingers crossed!! :oD And visit my blog too for my OWOH

magpie said...

hi from new york.
seems the only comments i'm leaving are on doll sites and are bird related and here you are combining the two. i'm delighted to have discovered your work - exquisite. will definitely return.

Bottle Whimsies said...

I love all your dolls Susie! I hope I will get the chance to own one someday!

Good luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Such a beautiful giveaway! I'm in awe of all the talented bloggers, of which you are one of them. COUNT ME IN,PLEASE!

Join in mine, if you like ♥

Mollye said...

Hi Susie, I think she just must come to live in Louisiana with me! Come visit when you can, Mollye

Niky Sayers said...

AWWWWW soo tweet! Love the givaway and the blog!

Astrid Maclean said...

Lovely to meet you!!
Your giveaway is gorgeous and beautiful, would love to win!
Hugs from bonny Scotland. I went to Tassie about two years ago My son lives near Melbourne) and it looks a lot like Scotland
PS if you have a mo, please come and visit my giveaway too:o)

Gayle Page-Robak said...

Greetings!...So pleased to visit your lovely blog. I am a Canadian Mixed Media and Digital Artist and look forward to meeting a new friend. I hope you will visit my blog as well.

Thank you for including me in your wonderful gift draw. Hugs, Gayle.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous giveway! Make me smile.Would love to win it.Please count me in.Thank you to give a chance to win. Please feel free to visit me.
Hugs Angelika

Arya said...

What a stunning doll!! I would love to add her to my home decor & give her a special home.
Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey!

Wilma Simmons (Empress Wu Designs) said...

Thanks for offering this cute Zozie - it must be hard to aprt with Tweet! Even though I am working on one from your pattern at the moment, it would be wonderful to have this one. All the best - enjoy OWOH.

Jeanie Callaghan said...

Your dolls are just adorable! What a lovely blog!

Jeanie Callaghan
I am #249 on the OWOH list

Anonymous said...

Of course Susie please throw me in to your hat or number generator!!!! I'd love to win this adorable doll!

I love the head I got from wou ~ now I'm looking for a metal rusted base for her!

XXX Pattee

Ellen aka Auntmoonie said...

oh, that Zozie is stinking cute for sure! what a fun giveaway! I'll keep my fingers crossed

Jodaeodesign said...

Your doll is just to fun. Please include me in your drawing.

Abi said...

We got there in the end eh!! Tweet is precious. so so precious :O)

Sylvia Smiser said...

Hi Susie,
I love your wonderful Zozie doll. Please enter my name in your hat as I would absolutely LOVE to win this beautiful piece of art from such a talented artist!
Thank you for such a generous giveaway!!!

Shawkl said...

Hi! This is me waving my hand from Alabama, USA! Pick me, pick me! Happy OWOH to ya! When you have some time...come visit me too! Your blog is really cool! Oh, and so is your prize...all of your dolls are so lifelike! Even, when they are not exactly human! Wonderful!

Unknown said...

Hi Susie,
Your dolls are truly amazing. I can't believe you are giving it away. Everyone will want to enter this, for sure. Expect many, many, many comments.
Kyles =D

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. Everything you make is so wonderful. I love your work, it's so amazing. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

Healing Woman said...

I love your work and have been following you for about a year. I believe we met last year at this event. I also am thrilled at the chance to own one of your precious dolls. Please enter my name in the draw for sure.

MLBetterly said...

SUSIE! Tweet simply must come live in my studio! I love all of your dolls, you know that already. Happy OWOH!

Lonnie Bullington said...

Susie, Your work is such an inspiration to fellow doll artists. A most charming piece you are offering. Please include me in your drawing.

Colleen Colquhoun Athens said...

Perfection on all of your faces....I'm IN!!! Love Colleen

Grace Garton said...

Hi Susie, thank you for dropping in on my OWOH giveaway...just gotta keep your fingers and toes crossed!
Such curious characters are Zozie's, I'm sure there is a special story behind them!

see you on ADO!

Rosanna Pereyra said...

Hi Susie!
You know I couldn't pass up a chance to win one of your creations!!
My fingers are crossed!!
Please add my name to your drawing.

big hugs,

P.S. If you like my fairies stop by my OWOH giveaway!

Mandy said...

Your dolls are so fantastic...and I think your zozie's are my favorite. So beautiful and inspiring!

Sam said...

That Tweet is so sweet!

Doreen G said...

You are so creative- I would love you little one to live with me.

Paper Bagley said...

Aww........................................................................................................................speechless...excellent...Flora....Why? so very real of the word......Tweet just binds my heart with him in his little cozy cage and come on over to Oregon for a visit....Tootsie

Melody said...

What an awesome, generous prize! I would so love to have her - your work is brilliant. So nice to have met you via OWOH. Cheers from the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney.

Cheryl said...

Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Your dolls are amazing! I can see all the love that went into creating them!
I would love the chance to give your precious lil owl a new home!

Smiles, Dolly

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Thank you! I have so enjoyed visiting your blog. Your dolls are lovely....I took my time to look at each one....what a gift you have.

Thanks for sharing.

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

I would love to win your Zozie Doll! Count me in for your OWOH Door Prize Please! This is my first time participating in this great event! So Many Creative Bloggers Out Here!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Wow! This is my first time here and I have to say I just LOVE your dolls! The expressions that you paint are so heart-wrenching! But this little guys' body is just so cute! It makes me laugh! I would love to have him!

I am keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks for the chance to win!

connie allen said...

Susie, I love your Zozie dolls - indeed I love all your dolls and all that you do. And I love following your blog!

Unknown said...

Well Hello Ms. Susie, fancy meeting you here ;)

NOW, I DON'T have to tell you how much I love your dolls, do I? I could only HOPE that I'm the lucky winner of this Zozie! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

I hope you've already hopped over to my blogs: or

antmee said...

I am meeting some fantastically talented people on this blog hop and your dolls are amazing. I am in love with your Zozie dolls and would love to win one!
Tasmania does have some of the best countryside in the world. You are lucky to live there. Visit me at for my owoh entry

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

fortuitous faery said...

cute and whimsical!

greetings from snowy new jersey!

Megan Chamberlain said...

Your work is amazing, I love your dolls. It would be so fantastic to win your giveaway.

Jenny said...

Hi Susie... I adore your work... your dolls are amazing and Tweet is just so so gorgeous... what a fabulous giveaway...

Will be back to visit soon :)))
Jenny x

Janine said...

Hallo, nice to meet you
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
This is beyond beautiful. You are a great artist.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH

Sunshineshelle said...

OMG!!! Look at this, OK, 2 words...
LOOOOOOOVE IT, man you are talented :)
By the way I'm pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle from Sunshine Coast Australia) If you have time I'd love you to come on over check out my giveaways & comment at my OWOH post too :) One World One Heart... It's exhausting BUT SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! Just love Tweet! What a cutie!!:o) Please enter my name for your drawing! Have a great day! Sending some smiles!

BabesbyBarb said...

I fell in love with your blog, you do beautiful work and the painting of the eyes is awesome. I am going to be a new follower of your work.

Ev said...

what amazing dolls, I have bookmarked your blog so I can come back. I admire the skills that go into creating them and will be having a look at your techniques tomorrow when the kids are out my hair and back to school.

I would love to be in the draw for this doll - Tweet is just so sweet

Micki said...

Your dolls are so special, and I would love to win her.
Please visit my Irish giveaway here:


Maggi said...

Flying in from One World One Heart! :)

Oh I just adore Tweet! Great meeting you today, your dolls are fantastic!

You're welcome to visit my OWOH post anytime!

Happy Blog Discovery!

danit said...

Hi. Your dolls are amazing. I heard so many good things about Tasmania. We lived for 3 years in NZ but never got to go to AUS.

Unknown said...

Beautiful as always. Danielle

Mary Ann Tate said...

Well I hope this is my lucky month.....Tweet is loverly.


Hi Susie, i saw you find my blog this morning, i don't know how but very happy, now i'm finding yours, let say we have i think the same kind aestetic,at least i try to achieve what you do very well! Congratulations for your creations!
Of course i would like to adopt this little bird!!

Gabriela said...

Absolutely beautiful doll!Hello from snowy Ohio!

Gabriela OWOH #439

johanna said...

i´m in AWE!!!!! such a generous giveaway.....

Cheeky Rose Boutique said...

Greetings Susie! Always love your work, it's awesome! Count me in please!

Klik said...

Ah so beautifull dolls you create! I became your follower!

Regards from Russia :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Look at your precious Tweet! Oh, I would love to win! Your dolls are fabulous...I am a doll collector! I'm enjoying your blog! Thank you! Please come by to visit me, too! ♥ I'm #389 !

ardith said...

Love your blog, I've been many times before to appreciate your wonderful dolls. I'm so wanting to be mother to this little one. I adore dolls, and have a love/hate relationship with birds. I have a delightful antique bird cage, she just might enjoy living in....

so with ALL that said, count me in and if you'd like to approve of her new possible home, come on over to #521 and meet me!!

Mervi said...

Flying in from One World One Heart!

So nice to meet you,
gorgeous gift, hope to win.
Greetings from Finland;-))m

leikkaan AT

Shauna Henry said...

Hi Susie,

Your dolls are fabulous! I have loved them for a long time now.

I am thoroughly enjoying this blog event. I'm participating as well so be sure and stop by!

Happy OWOH!

flyingbeader said...

Ooh Susie, you KNOW I'd love this! Can't wait to spend some time with you in April. Counting the minutes.

Carole Burant said...

HiSusie, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win your gorgeous Tweet:-) Your dolls are all fabulous!!

Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven't done so already!!

Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

Anonymous said...

It's so much fun to visit all different blogs and get to 'know' people from all over the world! So glad you played along with OWOH too - and make me discover your blog! I'm not into dolls much, and I usually skip the 'doll blogs' and don't comment there, but your little fellow spoke right to me as soon as I saw him! So here I am, commenting and asking you to count me in for your doorprize please! Love from the Netherlands, Marit (#501)

marit at maritspaperworld dot com

Michaele Sommerville said...

I LOVE your doll- so wonderful to look at!

I do hope that your friends and family in Australia are safe from the flooding we've seen and heard so much of over here in the U.S.

I hope you'll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten's 3 R's: I'm giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!


Dorthe said...

Your dolls are fantastic,- and I love the little bird for OWOH -how sweet she is- it would be so wonderfull a prize to winn.
I`m from Denmark, and have therefore heard lots from Tasmania- ( Mary from Tasmania, married to the Danish crown prince)and know it is a very beautifull place.
Kind regards, Dorthe
p.s. Please visit my OWOH post.

Lutka And Co. said...

Hi Susie,
Your dolls are beautiful! Please enter me in your give away. Thanks!

Geri said...

Your dolls are gorgeous. I have a goal of learning to make art dolls this year! I'll have to follow your blog. I'm enjoying my worldwide blog tour! If I'm lucky enough to win, please contact me through my blog

Nita Butler said...

Thanks again for helping me get over my fear of sculpting. I love your work and would love to win your creation~

Nita B

bub said...

I must say That klittle doll is so cute, my husband would love it !!!.

If you have time stop by my blog

Mimi said...

Hello Tweet, come live with me!

Please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway also! I'm #590.

hoerauf at comcast dot net


Digital Misfit said...

Tweet has stolen my heart! Pure love!
Your art dolls are beyond amazing. I know I will be back to visit your blog and see more of your sculpture. Revenge of Gaia and your Girl with a Pearl Earring art dolls are breathtaking.
Thank you for participating in the OWOH event. Please pop by my blog, #51, if you get a chance.
hugs from ON, Canada

Aimee Jeffries said...

Already a huge fan and would love to own anything you make!
Happy OWOH!

Lezlei Ann Young said...

So sweet! Susie please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at


Janet Ghio said...

Wow-your dolls are just fabulous! and I love your give away!! What a wonderful prize!!

Dena said...

Hi Susie,

I love your dolls. I have only begun creating and making dolls. I have made 3 clay dolls and I know through my passion when working with clay that there is more to come.

It must fill your heart with joy to have such a talented and creative daughter.

all the best, Dena

#324 OWOH

Brenda said...

You are incredibly talented. Lovely dolls.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hello Susie! Happy OWOH. It's a pleasure to meet you and be introduced to your amazing work. Your dolls are lovely, and Tweet is just too adorable. :) Thanks for offering such a wonderful gift. I warmly invite you to visit with me:
Sincerely, Theresa

Rusted Wings said...

i am blown away at your workmanship!! i can't wait to come back to take it all in for awhile!! this little zozie is so cute...what a gift!!
please come visit my blog #30 on the list...
blessings & warm hugs from Montana!!

CathyH said...

I cannot stop looking into the faces of your amazing dolls. These are some of the most stunning I've ever seen! Thank you for sharing and making these.
cathyguitarteacher-77 at

Jennifer R.D. said...

Wow! Your dolls are fantastic! I would love to win your Tweet! Please come visit my giveaway ay # 84.

Wienermaedl said...

Wow wow !!!! You are a great artist this is a very beautiful blog I love all fantastic dolls.
I hope to win. I will often come back to look.
Greetings from Vienna/Austria

Deirdra Doan said...

Little cute! As you know your dolls are the best!

Lynn Stevens said...

fabulous dolls, I'd love to give her a new home! I'm Lynn #65 on the list, stop on by if you havent yet!

Cameron said...

Well isn't she just a Tweetheart! I loved looking into the eyes of your wet with life...they just draw you right in!

Cameron #83

Carapace said...

Wow, your dolls are amazing! I'm so glad to be seeing them now- if OWOH has to go, at least it's showing the way to some amazing blogs on this last ride 'round the globe! Your dolls have such character. I can't wait to explore your blog more!

Stop by sometimes and say hello at my blog too-- OWOH-less, I fear, but still always glad of a visitor!

Lorri said...

Your dolls are awesome, this one is like an owl and I collect and LOVE owls.. and birds!
Please pop by #596 and visit my giveaway too.
So nice to find you here on the OWOH Journey :)

SusanLotus said...

Your dolls are wonderful! And your door prize is very cute! I hope he wants to move to us at the other side of the world from you: Sweden! We are waiting for him :)

Welcome to my blog!
Warm regards

nfmgirl said...

Awwww! What an adorable little bird! I love Tweet! Please count me in. Thanks so much!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

yoborobo said...

Hi Susie! So happy to meet you and see your amazing dolls. I love the little bird girl, she is so sweet. I would love the chance to win her. :) PLease stop by and visit me when you get the chance (#278). Pam

Rika said...

Nice to meet you,
love your give away!

I taking part too #170.

Nanbon44 said...

Please enter my name in your lovely giveaway- Bonnie in Florida
Bonnie ladycolmn(at)aol(dot)com
Blogs #566 and #567 USA

Blue Dragon Arts said...

absolutely adorable!

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

Tweet is beautiful.

DVArtist said...

Hello it is so nice to meet you. Your blog is awesome. Your art however, is amazing!!! I can't stop looking at it. Please count me in on your door prize.

Devonna said...

I love your zozie babies!I'm in.

just me said...

wonderful your work is amazing and already follow your blog, please throw my name in! R'Chelle

JoAnne said...

I am smiling from ear to ear! What a wonderful thing that your art evokes that response.
Your work is absolutely beautiful!

Tanya said...

She is beautiful, would love a chance to win
Thank you
OWOH #618

crafty creations said...

She is gorgeous and I'm sure she would soon feel at home here in the UK - she will be well looked after

Hilda No 177

Melissa Valeriote said...

Your are is stunning and so unique. Revenge of Gaia and Why....WOW! So happy I got to stop by and peek into your artful life. Be sure to stop by and say hello and enter my giveaway as well. Cheers!

Minxy said...

WOW your art is breathtaking and i would most certainly love to own 'Tweet' she has such an adorable face, thank you for offering such a beautiful prize, i will have all my limbs crossed come the 17th
Happy OWOH
hugs Minxy
my e'mail is on my blog should i be the lucky one :D

Christine said...

Tweet is an adorable doll~he actually looks a little like a friend of my sons:)Your attention to detail is fantastic~I would love to add this to my collection of cloth dolls! Hope all is well at the bottom of the world:)

Lori Bergmann said...

This is my first even OWOH event and I'm having so much fun discovering great blogs like yours from around the world! Your dolls are all AMAZING and I would love to enter your giveaway.

If you have time, please stop by mine (#347 on the list) for a chance to win one of my handmade sterling and glass European big-hole charm beads too.

Thank you so much! *Ü*

HeARTworks said...

I never met anyone from Tasmania before! I am from the Philippines. Your dolls are incredible, so full of emotion wildness. Tweet is sweet and I would be thrilled to win her. Do come by and see if you'd like to win my prize! Patsy.paterno (at) from

GraceBeading said...

WOW is the first thought that comes to mind as I look at your dolls. Tweet is no exception - LOVE it! I noticed a common theme in your dolls, all of them have amazing eyes. I am one that did not play with dolls much as a child, they kinda gave me the creeps and it always comes down to the eyes. You have an exceptional gift (in my humble opinion) with the eyes. They are all so beautiful and tell such a story with their eyes.

Thanks so much for the chance to win Tweet, I can only hope to be so lucky :-)

#399 - come see me!

Renate said...

Your dolls are absolutely beautiful. You are so talented!

Barbara said...

Your work is amazing! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Your dolls are always beautiful, love them! Please enter me--thanks :)

Dianne said...

Your dolls are so unique and intricate! I love the giveaway.
Please include me in your draw and come over to mine #348 and put your name in mine if you wish. Thanks.

bonnesinger said...

It's hard to believe that a human being can make such wonderful things of are truly a remarkable artisan....soooo glad I found you!

Sylvia Smiser said...

Hi Susie,
I have already entered your giveaway but I would love it if you would come visit mine too!

jacque4u2c said...

Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.

Gale said...

Hello from Oregon. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway. Tweet is so very cute!
Feel free to stop by my blog and enter mine if you get a few minutes! :) Gale

Gen said...

This is a lovely giveaway!

Please visit my page too:

HippieDog said...

Oh wow....your dolls are amazing...incredible work! Love, love them! Nice to meet you :) Take care, Michelle of HippieDog #15

My Creative Side said...

your dolls are so intricate. i would love to win the zozie doll. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Blessings always.

carylsrealm said...

Such a totally fabulous wonderful doll!
All of your dolls are wonderful!
Love them!
Caryl OWOH #270

calej said...

Pure magic! So beautiful!

Hope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)


calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
calej d'art

Hope said...

I have no real words for how much your art moves me. Thanks for your generosity in this event.

Sherry said...

Your birdie doll is so cute - please let it fly all the way to me - LOL.
I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.

Sherry from England, UK

M.E.W said...

Oh, please throw my name into the hat... I am a great admirer of all your work. I'm in the OWOH list but haven't found my name yet!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What talent you have. What is it about birds that makes them so adorable? I love Tweet. I'm # 11, and would love to have you stop by if you haven't already.

stampgram said...

Oh, your little Tweet is so cute. Just adorable! I enjoyed seeing all the wonderful dolls on your blog. I will be back to browse some more when the event is over! Please enter me in your drawing.
If you have a moment stop by and enter my giveaways too.
# 385
# 132

lori said...

your dolls are amazing! i would love to win one of your creations! i am a new follower as well. visit me #49-lori diane

BumbleBeeLane said...

The doll is so whimsical!! Count me in on the lovely giveaway.If I should be the lucky winner just email me through my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Unknown said...

Greetings from Vermont.
Please add my name to your fantastic giveaway, and thanks for the opportunity to win. Your dolls are fantastic.
I hope you are having a great time during this OWOH tour, I know I am.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a sunshine day.

Anonymous said...

Oh Susie! Your dolls!! They are ALL, withour exception, truly delightful! So much character and expression in their faces. And as for Tweet.... oh my, what a cutie! How blessed will the winner be in being able to offer him a home - I dearly hope it will be me! I am sure he would love exploring Tanglefrost close by my side!
Hugs Jo xx #263

azviatx said...

Susie, Had to hop over to the tutorial and watch the progression of your dolls. Never saw the cloth over the face step coming! I guess I assumed it was just clay only. Fooled me, and yet I see how those steps add the element of reality to the dolls. "Sweet Lady GaGa"! Astounding art. Just when I thought I was finished snooping, I scrolled to the very bottom and "Why" slapped me in the face. I couldn't stop staring. It was at once both terrifying and elecrifying. I knew immediately what this art was about. I can't even call it a doll. Just can't.
Oh, did your new organization last long? Or, like the majority of us, did it stay neat & tidy for about 4 days??!!! Ok, so go visit a bunch of blogs, win a giftie or two and please, continue making art. Thanks. Tina

Kathy said...

Your dolls and sculptures are exquisite. Wow..I would love to be the owner of one of your Zozies. She'd be sitting right next to all my handmade faeries I collect. I'm now a follower of your blog. I'm interested in your tutorial, so I'll be back to check that out.

It was a pleasure meeting you and looking at all the eye candy :D

Bright blessings,

Fallingladies said...

Wow! Tweet is so incredible! you're very generous... stop by my blog as well...

Dawn said...

Your dolls are fantastic and the one you're offering as a giveaway is adorable.
I hope you'll visit my blog,
ART of Humungous Proportions!
Cheers ~
OWOH #602

Unknown said...

One World One Heart is such a fun way for all of us to connect. How I would love to own your lovely creation. Count me in:) Come by to see me at #234 when you have time:)

Anonymous said...

love your work. have added you to my list to come back and check out in depth. thanks

Robin Panzer Art said...

Wow your Dolls are amazing! What a fabulous blog! I'd love to enter your drawing.

Hope you'll stop by for a visit!

Naked Heart Studio
OWOH #217

Kristin said...

You are so talented! And Tweet is so sweet - I would be honored to have her. Thank you for the chance to take her home ;) Kristin (#73) xo

Textile and Stitch said...

Oh wow!! I cannot believe you are just going to give her away, I love, love, LOVE her!!! She has such a pretty face and awesome use of color...she'd sure look great with the rest of my doll collection too :)

Holly said...

Your dolls are fabulous! Thanks so much for the chance to win Tweet!

Cory said...


Donna said...

Such a lovely blog and a fun giveaway. Please enter me and thank you!

CreativSpirit said...

Hi Susie and greetings from another Aussie. Your dolls are exquisite, thank you so much for your generosity and the opportunity to be the lucky winner.....I sure hope it's me, I'm sure that Tweet would love to come live with me. Please come by my blog and say hello.


Unknown said...

Your dolls are so beautiful, they have such expressive faces!

JDConwell said...

If I commented twice, it's for two reasons:
One because I can never get over your incredible work, and
Two because I'm easily confused. ;~)
Your doll is perfect, and I hope I win.
Hermits' Garden

peggy aplSEEDS said...

your dolls are amazing and i will be back to look at more of them. i love the way you've made their faces. Thanks so much for the chance to win one of them, and such a cute one! I hope you can come to visit me at and join my giveaway. Happy OWOH travels!

Rebecca said...

Wow! Greetings from cold and snowy Massachusetts. Your dolls are amazing. I gasped when I opened your blog for the first time and had to become a follower. I am new to the craft of art dolls. I work with polymer clay. When you have a chance, come visit me at:
I look forward to visiting your blog again. Your work is lovely. I would be honored to have Zozie!
Blessings, Rebecca #393

Danielle said...

How fun!
binafan at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Wow! your dolls are amazing, so life like. I would love to own one!

Pat Haight said...

She is absolutely adorable!

Kim Dellow said...

Oh wow, your work is wonderful! Nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy OWOH. Kim (No. 724)

Carol said...

That's one cute looking bird baby :)

OWOH hugs.
Carol H.


Hello from Ohio! OMG your work is incredible! I shall have to keep my fingers crossed for "tweet"! Visit me too #220 needlewings at

Tina Leavy said...

oh my gracious sakes alive..these dolls are all so beautiful and amazing. you are incredibly talented. when I saw the little chicken doll my heart did a little pitter patter.Too adorable for words. I actually collect vintage chickens and have decorated my kitchen with them. I'd be over the moon to have the chance to give the doll a special place in my home(no, not in the kitchen though)
so nice to meet you through this event. please stop by for a visit on my blog too of you'd like.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Your doll are wonderful. I have a few dolls but have none as nice as yours Your are like a painting a piece of art. Hope you stop by and become friends.

SpiritMama said...

Hi Susie,
Your dolls are so great, and I'd love to win "Tweet" it's adorable!
Stop by my blog giveaway if you get a chance :-)

Waxela (wa-shay-la)
aka SpiritMama

Jen xo said...

Oh I just adore tweet but then all your dolls are gorgeous :)
thanks for visiting me too...

Connie said...

your dolls are STUNNING! i would be thrilled to win one. please come enter my giveaway too!

Deedra said...

Oh my GAWD!!! Unbelievably BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Please please please put me in your draw!!!

Thank you!

martha brown said...

I LOVE this little bird girl! I've added your etsy shop to my favourites :) I'm off now to look around your blog some more!
Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)
(from Toronto, Ontario, Canada :)

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh oh oh I have the perfect place for this sweet doll in my studio..I so adore your work!!!!
So nice to meet you and happy OWOH!!Please add my name to your sweet treat giveaway and come on by and add your name to my hat too!! I am #228!
Sarah :)

Unknown said...

your work is so spiritual.. feeling of happiness and pain. i love them all but the little girl in the woods touches my soul. so glad i found you.. what a treat for the eyes and soul.... and you know i want to be a winner.. but i can come back any time to see all yuour children.. peace and hugs laire
#405 on the list

Shannon Chomanczuk said...

Tweet would have a welcome spot here in NY!

Threads of Inspiration said...

Hi Susie, your work is just beautiful. I would be honored to give Tweet a new home! Thanks for the opportunity to win her!

biba3006 said...

Love your dolls and would be happy to win your prize.

Hugs from Germany

Carmen said...

Your dolls are amazing - I seem to be saying that a lot on this tour and it doesn't sound enough. Thank you so much for the chance to win Tweet.

Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post :)

OWOH #365

Francine Cronos said...

Hello from Grass Valley, CA. I've really enjoyed visiting your blog. Your dolls are so incredible; I am in awe! I absolutely love your sweet,little giveaway Zozie doll. Thank you so much for the chance to enter.

Pam said...

Love Tweet-Hope she gets to come live in Miami, Fl

Megan said...

Another fantastic giveaway - love a chance to win!


Penny said...

Forgive me if I have already commented, I couldnt go through all 200 odd of them to check! I love your dolls to bits, and would love to own one.

Gina said...

Oh, how adorable! I would love to have her and I think I need to look further in your blog. Please visit mine too!
:-) Gina #299

Unknown said...

Your Zozy is so "Tweet"!
I have looked around your blog and your dolls are all amazing! I am in awe!
I am soooo crossing my fingers right now! LOL!
I am now one of your followers. I hope you will "Fly On The Wings of OWOH" over to MY BLOG, have a peek at my prize, and maybe even follow me too! :)
It's so nice to "meet" you!
True :D
My email:

Jo said...

Both you and your daughter are immensely talented ... ive spent a bit of time here ... just a beautiful blog, and thank you so much for offering up such a generous gift, Tweet is so special ... i am crossing my fingers!!!!

Wendy said...

Hello and so glad to meet you. Happy OWOH. Would love to be part of your wonderful giveaway.
Oh my gosh. Your dolls are absolutely beautiful and enchanting.
and I love TWEET.
Please stop by during your journey through blogland.
Wishes and Whimsy
Wendy from Wonderland

Keisha said...

Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Keisha

Donna said...

Thank you for for offering this beautiful gift and thank you for the chance to win. Your hard work really shows!

Angie said...

Hi Susie. Your dolls are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for the lovely welcome to your blog. Please feel free to visit me and enter my giveaway also. Just click on my blog link, or I'm #625.

Happy OWOH to you!

Michelle Remy said...

Wow Susie! The faces on your dolls are so soulful and full of personality! Please enter me in your giveaway; I would love to adopt Tweet! If you get a chance please stop by my blog, Lost Coast Post (#455) and enter my drawing as well! Cheers, Michelle

sweet limes said...

What an adorable doll.


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