Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ah! Little Girls!

I don't know what it is, but I do so love to make these rather nostalgic little girl dolls. Perhaps they are comforting reminders of my own childhood - a sunny and wonderful place in the 1950's. (That sounds so long ago now!) Anyway, whatever the compulsion is to making these dolls is, here is the latest, as yet un-named. She is the model for a wig-making PDF that I am in the process of writing up for sale in my Etsy store. The wig is hand-knotted mohair.......a time-consuming process, but it makes a very fine wig if you have the patience and time.

Any suggestions for a name gratefully accepted!


Judi Hunziker said...

Susie, she is adorable. I like the name Mia for her. By the way, I have pictures of Celeste on my blog today. ♥Judi

Mary Ann Tate said...

She's very sweet:) I was going to say Ivy Blue but I think thatname is taken...LOL How about Violet?

Rebecca said...

No, Susie, the 1950's are not so long ago. I still have a vivid memory of my dolly playin' childhood years. This young lady is just adorable. Her rosey cheekies look very pinchable!

Hill Top Post said...

Ah, she has beautiful brown eyes. It seems most of your dolls have blue. I love her! Could she be Johanna?

Lilyweeds at Augusta Kent Studio said...

Susie, she's beautiful. As a knitter, I especially love her sweater.

merrijane said...

Susie, I think such an old-fashioned, little girl needs a name like Harriet. Gorgeous as always.
Looking forward to the wig making PDF!

Dixie Redmond said...

So sweet, Susie! I love seeing your Nostalgia Dolls. I think we all like to remember those simple times.

Susie McMahon said...

Thanks for all those name suggestions - I am kind of leaning toward Johanna (thanks Mary) And you are right - I mostly do blue, green or grey eyes and brown ones less often. I love to knit, Diana - you can't really tell from this photo, but she had hand-knit socks as well in the same blue as her hat.

Penny said...

Heavens Susie, she looks just like my grand daughter, Millie!

maddyrose said...

Susie, this is such a sweet little girl and if I were to guess, her name is Brianne. What s sweet little face. I'm glad that you enjoy making these nostalgic little girl dolls because we all love them too. The 1950s? I remember them well. xo

Jan Conwell said...

She's beautiful, Susie. I look forward to the wig tutorial.

Susie McMahon said...

Oh, Millie - I like that a lot - guess I'm going to have to toss a coin!

Cheeky Rose Boutique said...

Susie, she really looks like a Sam or Samantha! She is lovely!

Ron said...

she is stunning. Another wonderous creation.

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