Having recently completed a couple of pressing commissions, I am indulging myself a little with this new piece. I'm aiming for nuances of expression - apprehension, tentativeness - in this child's face, so I'm working on a slighlt larger scale than I normally do to make achieving that a little easier. Not quite sure where this is going next, but I have a few ideas gestating and will keep you posted!
Interesting look!
She will probably be more life-like than anything you have ever done. I'll be watching for this one's completion for sure.
Oooo I can't wait to see how she looks when you finish.
Susie, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this project. I love the idea of capturing an expression and specific emotion deliberately. Most of the time it's hit or miss in my sculpting. I'm going to try to be more deliberate. Thanks! Always a pleasure to follow your journey.
Penni/ TownCommonFolkArt.
She's a beauty even without her paint Susie. Thanks for sharing your in-progress dolls, I never tire of seeing all that you do. Best,
I love the photos! the one with the shadows has drama, can't wait to see the final pic!
She is precious with a bit of pensive expression.
Im interested to see what the muses have in store for you Susie.>G< its always a treat!
Love her expression! I can't wait to see more :)
I love her expression! Can't wait to see more :)
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